Vinícius A dos Santos

Vinícius A dos Santos

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Java Spring Boot Testing - AWS SQS Listener


This post is going to be a short one to walk through the process I just followed to be able to run unit tests against an SQS Listener in a Java Spring Boot Microservice.

It's out of the scope to provide a complete code. I will just leave the snippets and a few explanations. It may be more for myself than for any reader who falls here from a search.


I have a Spring component that

  1. Listens to an AWS SQS queue
  2. Converts the String message to a Java Object
  3. Calls a service responsible for processing the data I need to write a test to make sure all those 3 steps happen without having to call the receiveMessage directly. I want it to listen to a message as it should do in production.

LocalStack will do the job of simulating a running SQS service. It provides several services running in a container that try to mimic AWS services to support local development and testing without depending on actual AWS service, which would be an expensive and complex environment setup.

Another guy who will help with the job is Testcontainers. A JUnit Jupiter extension that automatically manages the containers required by a Test Case.


The first step is adding the needed dependencies to the project (I'm using Gradle):

testImplementation "org.testcontainers:localstack:${testContainersVersion}"  
testImplementation 'org.testcontainers:junit-jupiter:1.17.4'  
testImplementation ''

And the testing class:

public class MessageListenerTest {

    private ProcessorService processorService;
    private QueueMessagingTemplate queueMessagingTemplate;
    private String sqs;

    static LocalStackContainer localStack = new LocalStackContainer(DockerImageName.parse("localstack/localstack:1.3.1"))
            .withClasspathResourceMapping("/localstack", "/docker-entrypoint-initaws.d", BindMode.READ_ONLY)
            .waitingFor(Wait.forLogMessage(".*Initialized\\.\n", 1));

    static void properties(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) {
        registry.add("", () -> localStack.getEndpointOverride(SQS).toString());
        registry.add("", () -> "foo");
        registry.add("", () -> "bar");
        registry.add("", () -> localStack.getRegion());
        registry.add("order-queue-name", () -> "test-order-queue");

    void testReceiveMessage() throws IOException {
        // Given
        String message;
        try (InputStream resourceAsStream = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("message.json")) {
            message = new String(Objects.requireNonNull(resourceAsStream).readAllBytes(), UTF_8);
        var mySqsEvent = buildObjectMapperWithJavaTimeModule().readValue(message, MySqsEvent.class);
        // When
        queueMessagingTemplate.convertAndSend(sqs, message);
        // Then
                .untilAsserted(() -> {
                     verify(processorService, times(1)).process(eq(mySqsEvent));

The MessageListener.class parameter to @SqsTest is optional, but it's nice to have it. It makes the spring context load only the been required by the component we're testing, making the test run faster.

The QueueMessagingTemplate is a helper that publishes a message to the desired SQS queue.

@Container annotation works in conjunction Testcontainers to define the containers to be managed during the test run. It annotates a LocalStackContainer that we instantiate by

  • Defining the localstack container image
  • Specifying a Classpath resource to be mapped into the container. The resource is a script to create the SQS queue that you can find below
  • Specifying the localstack services to run on this container
  • And finally ask it to wait for a specific message to be logged to the container before assuming it's ready (we want it to wait until the SQS queue is created by the mentioned script)

The script under src/test/resources/localstack looks like this:

awslocal sqs create-queue --queue-name test-aws-queue-sqs-name  
echo "Initialized."

If you're familiar with AWS CLI, you figured out that it's creating a new SQS queue.

Next, we override a few application properties to point out the AWS APIs to localstack through the static void properties(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) method.

Finally, we have the test method where I

  • Read a message.json file as the message to be published to the SQS queue
  • Publish the message with queueMessagingTemplate.convertAndSend method
  • use Testcontainers' await method to wait for 3 seconds just to give some time to the message to be consumed by the listener
  • Assert that processorService.process is called with the object constructed upon the SQS message

And that's all! We're testing an AWS SQS Java Spring Boot Listener without depending on AWS.

ps* I can't guarantee the exact code snippets work flawlessly because the snippets are copied and changed a bit from a real code I wrote for my client's project. I had to change the code for this post to omit sensitive info and I have no time right now to run it after the changes.

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