Vinícius A dos Santos

Vinícius A dos Santos

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Apache Kafka Producer main configs for Resilience, Performance and Consistency

apache kafka

Hi, everyone! In this post, I'm going to discuss the main configurations for a Kafka Producer

About the tech stack

  • Apache Kafka: a reliable, scalable, and highly available event streaming tool.

A producer is a service that sends (produces) messages to one or more Kafka Topics.

Important Configs for a Producer


First, let's remember that the recommended way of architecture Kafka is having a cluster of Kafka brokers.
For each topic partition, there is a broker leader and other brokers are the followers.
When a producer sends a message, it is sent to the leader then it has the duty of replicating it to the followers.

This acks config is about how many brokers the producer requires to confirm that the message was received.

  • 0: The producer assumes the message was received since it has been sent. It improves latency and throughput. Be aware that messages may be lost since the Producer won't know about fails and won't perform a retry;
  • 1: The producer waits for the leader to confirm that the message was received, but doesn't care about the followers. It's safer than 0, but there is no guarantee of replication;
  • all or -1: The safest option for be sure that no messages are lost. If sending a message fails, the producer can perform retries.


It stands for the maximum amount of memory the producer can use to buffer the messages awaiting to be sent to the server.
Be aware of the messages' throughput. The higher it is, the more chances this value to be achieved and the producer will block messages sending and throw an exception.
Default: 33554432


For a better performance on the producer and even on the server, the producer attempts to send messages in batches.
Think about a System with a high throughput, say 1000 per second. It's better for the producer to send one request of a batch of 500 messages each half second than sending 1000 requests to the server in one second.

This configuration defines the size of that batch. It works only during a throughput of messages higher than they can be sent out to the server.
If you want to reduce the number of requests even during lower throughput, the configuration can do this.
Default: 16384

It defines the amount of time to wait for new messages to fill the batch capacity set by batch.size.
That is, if the size of the batch is 500kb, but the messages in the batch together have a size of 450kb, the producer will wait for the time set in configuration for new messages to achieve 500kb or more.
The trade-off here is, the higher this value, the higher will be the producer and broker performance. Messages might be delayed for filling the batch during lower loads. Plus, it will keep more messages in memory.
Default: 0

This configuration sets the number of unacknowledged (with no receive confirmation from brokers) messages the producer will send before blocking.
If this value is 5, it means that if the producer doesn't receive broker confirmations for the requests sent, it will keep sending at most 5 requests before blocking.
Be aware that if one or more of these 5 requests fails, the order of messages is not guaranteed while doing retries. If order is important, set it to 1.
Default: 5

It sets the amount of time to wait until resending failed requests.
This is very useful in scenarios of unavailability since it could be more effective to wait a little before trying again.
Default: 100

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